01 Jacob London - I Think (Si Begg remix) [Street Ritual]
02 Etienne DeCrecy - [CDR]
03 Zombie Nation - Worth It (Arveene & Misk remix) [Turbo]
04 Digital Base - The Father [iBreaks]
05 Pance Party - Kim Jong Thrill [Plasmapool]
06 10 Rapid - It's Not Right (Mixdown 100) [Exceptional]
07 Human Life - We Won't Stop (Tom Deluxx remix) [Boxon]
08 Lazy Rich - Funkjet (Jay Robinson & Supabeatz remix) [Ho Ju]
09 P.E.S.T. - The Fix (Refracture remix) [Noobish]
10 Shut Up And Dance - Gun Finger [SUAD music]
11 Noisia - Split The Atom [Vision]
12 Losers - Flush (G.E.R.M. remix) [Distiller]
13 Far Too Loud - Bass Association [Funkatech]
14 J Majik & Wickaman - Dirty Disco [Mosquito]
15 Egonoise - All My Niggas! [Dopefish]
16 Troublegum - Bodybug [Future Perfect]
17 The Crystal Method - Come Back Clean feat. Emily Haines (Far Too Loud remix) [Tiny e]
18 Kiwa - Turn The Flame [High Grade]
19 Robosapiens - Acid Reign (LuQas remix) [Dead Famous]
20 Far Too Loud - Dancefloor Destroyer [Funkatech]
21 Hedflux - Mindcell (RMS & Peak remix) [Broken Robot]
22 HiHat - Killer Profit (Kultur & Colombo remix) [iBreaks Spain]
23 Specimen A - Just A DJ [Funkatech CDR]
24 Far Too Loud - We Want To Dance [Funkatech CDR]
25 Elite Force - Law Of Life [U&A]
26 Attack Release vs. Robosapiens - Trip (Myagi remix) [Dead Famous]
27 Access Denied - Paranoia [iBreaks]
28 Javi Gongora - Studio Number 8 [iBreaks Spain]
29 Birdy Nam Nam - The Parachute Ending (Dilemn remix) [CDR]
30 Far Too Loud & CodeZero - Blackout [Exogenic Breaks]
31 Subliminal System - Into The 'Burgh (Monk3ylogic remix) [CDR]
32 4Kuba - Combination [iBreaks]
33 Subsource - The Ides (Far Too Loud remix) [Doombox]
Far Too Loud @ Myspace